Eucharistic Revival Speakers

United States Catholic Congress of Bishops Catholic Speakers Eucharistic Revival Speakers

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has chosen the Catholic Speakers Organization as the preferred and trusted partner to help execute the Eucharistic Revival Speaker initiative.

Together they have created this streamlined platform to help both the event organizer and the Eucharistic speaker to connect with each other to execute events as easily and quickly as possible.

If you are a diocesan approved Eucharistic speaker, upload your information now to this website to create your profile and add yourself to the list. If you are an event organizer, you now can easily browse hundreds of options for Eucharistic speakers, with the ability to categorizing them by any state or diocese. It has never been easier to find the Eucharistic speaker you need for any event.

73 results - showing 1 - 50
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Fr. Doug Grandon

Catholic Speakers

Fr. John Burns

Catholic Speakers

Fr. Luke Ferris

Catholic Speakers

Fr. Paul Hoesing

Catholic Speakers

Fr. Rafael Capó

Catholic Speakers
73 results - showing 1 - 50
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