National Groups List

32 results - showing 1 - 32
Archbishop Sheen Catholic Living Support Group
This magnificent series is the most comprehensive explanation of the Catholic vision of life ever offered. Weekly study guide to be handed out with lesson. Darryl from Covina, CA said "I learned more about our Catholic Faith in one night than I have at my Parish the entire year"...
Arizona Students for Life
Arizona Students for Life is a state-wide, non-profit, pro-life organization created to oversee, organize, coordinate, and motivate existing pro-life student organizations as well as to help form new ones where they are so desperately needed. Our college and university campuses truly are the front-lines of the abortion tragedy that...
Be Present Faithful Catholic Apostolate
We the members of Be Present Faithful Catholic Apostolate, have been called, through our Baptismal vows and reaffirmed through our promises at Confirmation, to be faithful to Christ, His Church and its teachings. Lead by the the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Council, Fortitude,...
Benedictus Men's Group
Men's breakfast held every three months, in Escondido, CA. 8-1130 am.   June 8th Featuring Father Joe Carrol.   Mass, Breakfast, praise music, speaker.
Carrollton, Texas - "Joe Catholic"
Joe Catholic is a Catholic lay apostolate created for men by men. Our mission is to empower men to become the spiritual leaders of their families. Iron sharpens iron. (Prv 27:17). We provide when with resources to help learn their faith, so they can live their faith and share...
Catholic Beer Club
Catholic Beer Club is a gathering of young people who love Catholicism, beer, and good conversation. No agendas, just community and relationship.
Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas
Exists to encourage and sustain support for Catholic parishes, schools, and other Catholic organizations within the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Catholic Men For Jesus Christ
Our mission is to help Catholic men in the Diocese of Trenton and beyond to become better Catholic Men.
Catholic Men's Fellowship, Inc.
We are committed men, principally Catholic, who recognize our need for God's help. We gather in Christ's presence in an atmosphere of trust, equality and anonimity to share personal feelings and experiences. We unconditionally accept each other and prayerfully support one another in fellowship.
Cincinnati Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap is a speaker series for those in their 20's and 30's, married or single, to meet together in the relaxed setting of a local pub. Through lively conversations and interesting speakers, young adults have an opportunity to reflect on their faith and connect with other young...
Cincinnati, Women Influencing the Nation
Mission Statement of Women Influencing the Nation: “To defend and restore the dignity of women and children (both born and unborn)through educational resources as well as to preserve the traditional family according to Biblical values, the 10 Commandment ethics and in harmony with the over 2,000 year tradition of...
Columbus Catholic Women's Conference
Catholic Women's Conference for Diocese of Columbus
Domestic Church Media
Catholic Radio in New Jersey, New York and eventually throughout the Northeastern US.
Esto Vir
Esto Vir is a Catholic Men's Apostolate. It's mission is to challenge men to live extraordinary faith and leadership in everyday life. This is done through the sponsorship of an annual men's conference and monthly Mass with a speaker addressing topics relevant to the mission of Esto Vir. ...
Frassati Society of Young Adults - Carmel, IN
Frassati Society of Young Adults
Hottest is Modest
Promoting the human dignity and decency/purity/modesty for youth groups.
Jesed Music Ministry
Contemporary liturgical and evangelistic catholic music
Kansas City, Missouri - Catholic Faith and Reason
We meet every other Saturday. We have speakers or members that deliver a presentation via PowerPoint or paper to the members. For apologetical and theological learning about Holy Mother Church. Have sponsored conferences in the past.
Knights of Columbus Council #15401
In short, Our main purpose is to help Catholics become better Catholics by Taking up His Cross for charity, in unity, with fraternity
Loreto House
Loreto House is a Sanctuary of Hope for the Culture of Life. We support pregnant mothers in need and families with loved ones who are dying.
Los Angeles Pregnancy Services
To defend the lives of unborn babies and their moms in one of the abortion capitals of America. Our neighborhood, the Pico-Union district of Los Angeles has not less than nine abortion facilities within a one mile radius. Agressive marketing by the abortion industry and severe poverty and misinformation...
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference
The mission of the Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference will be to provide an annual conference, with both nationally and locally known speakers who are loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church, to the women of Oklahoma and surrounding states. It is our hope that these conferences will give...
Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry
Healing & Reconciliation Ministry. OSMM holds monthly retreats which include daily Mass, adoration, spiritual direction, healing service and much more. Located one hour east of St. Louis of I-70.
Overlook, KS - National Fellowship of Catholic Men, Inc.
A national non-profit organization dedicated to creating a robust and easily administered Catholic men's ministry in every diocese in the United States. We exist to assist individual men, groups or dioceses in calling men to conversion, training them in discipleship and exhorting them in evangelization.
Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network
PNFPN is ministry for persons dedicated to the promotion of Natural Family Planning (NFP). Our mission is to explain its practice, its effectiveness, its benefits and its underlying moral principles as understood and taught by the Catholic Church. Since NFP is in accord with God's order of creation we...
Roman Catholic Knights
Our mission, as Roman Catholic Knights, is to get the man next to you on the battlefield to heaven.
Room At The Inn
Room At The Inn is a safe haven and source of hope for pregnant mothers and their children. 
St. Louis, Single Catholics Fellowship
A group for single Catholics seeking an environment for faith sharing, spiritual growth, and new friendships with other like-minded Catholics. Led by the Holy Spirit, we strive to serve single, Catholic adults, who may not otherwise have faith-oriented activities offered to them in local parish communities. Dinners, speakers, Cathechism/Scripture...
St. Michael's Media
St. Michael's Media was founded in the spring of 2006 by Notre Dame alumnus and former seminarian Michael Voris as a lay apostolate dedicated to advancing the truth of authentic Christianity via the mass media. Michael had been in broadcast television for many years and decided to bring his...
The King's Men
Uniting and building men in the mold of leader, protector and provider.
Tri-State Catholic Teen Club
Teens from multiple Catholic parishes & local schools in 3 states (WV, OH & KY) come together in unity to celebrate their love of Christ & to deepen their knowledge about our Catholic faith! Woo! Contact Person    Robin Hutton, Director of Youth Ministry
32 results - showing 1 - 32