In imitation of our Blessed Mother, my commitment to God and to you is keeping my heart and life as pure as possible so that the Holy Spirit can work unhindered and powerfully through me.
I offer Bible study spinach that tastes like cake. You’ll snort-laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll walk away loved and lifted and more equipped to love and lift all you’ve been given. No doubt: you and your group will experience Jesus through my speaking.
Sonja Corbitt is the Bible Study Evangelista. Sonja burst onto the Catholic scene last spring with her explosive book "Unleashed." Now she's showing up everywhere. Her speaking schedule fully booked into next year, she has become both a Catholic TV and radio broadcaster, authored two other high-impact multimedia Bible studies, and writes for Magnificat and The Great Adventure Bible Study blog, among other internet outlets. A lively and frequent guest on a variety of national television and radio shows, Sonja home schools and lives with her husband and boys in Tennessee.
Find Sonja's weekly radio show "Bible Study Evangelista" on Breadbox Media.
Sonja's talks inlcude:
Fearless, How to Conquer Your Demons and Love with Abandon
What to Do When You're Angry with God
Dew of Heaven, How to Find Rest in Our Modern Chaos
Healing the Father Wound
Jeff Cavins, Director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute & Co-Author, The Great Adventure Bible Studies
Lisa M. Hendey, Best-Selling Author & Founder of CatholicMomdotcom
Fr. Pat Mulcahy, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Bonita, CA
Carver, Women’s Conference, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
I love your love – you radiate Him so beautifully. It is captivating and inviting to those lucky enough to witness it! Thank you!
In a distinctively and beautifully feminine manner, Sonja Corbitt addresses one of the fundamental questions we all ask, “What is the purpose of my life?” And she helps her listener discover the answer with Scripture, experiences from her own journey, and a foundational reliance upon the love of the Holy Spirit. You will not be the same person after hearing her.
Some years ago, I ‘met’ Sonja Corbitt online and found she made me laugh, led me to tears, and always nourished a yearning for the Lord in me. I recently passed a CD of her talk to a lady who was moved to tears from the healing she received from Sonja’s message. This unleashing of God’s Spirit in our lives can help us all to discover in God’s Word the gifts he longs to give us!
With freshness and vulnerability, Sonja opens a window onto her own walk with God. For those who long to see the power of the Spirit in their lives, she offers practical advice: simple habits of prayer and Scripture reading that have led to healing, faith, and wholeness. Bound to be a blessing.
Sonja connects the power of the Bible to everyday life experiences. With a wonderful freshness and ease that is both engaging and enlightening, she will stir your heart and lift your soul. She will equip you with the spiritual tools necessary to build the dynamic, joy-filled relationship with Jesus Christ that you’ve always wanted. Very highly recommended!
You nudge me, you inspire me, to learn about the Word. I’ve learned and been challenged by your teaching.
Sonja Corbitt is an example of ‘feminine genius’ at work, enriching the Church. Her capacity to open hearts, minds and lives to the ancient, yet ever new faith, and to break open the Sacred Scriptures – always in fidelity to the Magisterium – in a manner which brings them to life, is to be commended. Her contagious love for the Lord and His Church should be welcomed in any parish, college or Catholic apostolate. Given her background as a former Evangelical protestant who came into the fullness of the communion of the Catholic Faith, she is also ideal for ecumenical gatherings. Sonja is one of our most popular writers and has been for years. Her articles on the Sacred Scripture and the interior life have moved many. Her insights into contemporary social concerns, always in fidelity to the Magisterium, have also contributed greatly to the work of our global apostolate. She has my highest recommendation.
Your sparks fly everywhere! Your fire for God is so evident to everyone around you!
Sonja displays a unique and wonderful talent in sharing God’s Word to the casual as well as more sophisticated listener in a way that will inspire both. She is one of the rare presenters who can reach across the spectrum of listeners with solid and faithful scholarship while presenting in a way that never sacrifices substance for style. She offers both. I have personally benefited from her writings and presentations and I recommend her as a great source for orthodox Catholic teaching presented with a charming Southern style.
You make me crave what God continues to pour into you.