Mr. Ruben Quezada is a best-selling Catholic author, bilingual speaker and a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus who's been involved in ministry for over 30 years addressing teens, adults and women on various topics of the faith as well as retreats alike.
Mr. Quezada is the author of the popular book For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada the Official Companion to the 2012 film of the same name, published by Ignatius Press and has been endorsed by many clergy, Catholic groups including former Grand Knight Carl Anderson & Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles who also contributed to his book.
Some popular talks:
-Religious Freedom Today
-Blessed Miguel Pro
-Let Me Be Your Servant
-Live Your Catholic Faith With Joy
-What is a Saint/The Communion of Saints
-Living the Fast Lane (Fasting) among others.
Spanish Talks:
-Que es la Oracion?
-La Misa de los Primeros Cristianos
-La Eucaristía: La Misa de Todos los Siglos
-La Persecusion Religiosa (Cristeros)
-Beato Miguel Agustin Pro
-Vive Tu Fé Católica con Gozo
-Que es un Santo/La Comunión de los Santos