Robert Rogers experienced a tragedy of Biblical proportions in 2003 when his precious wife and all four children drowned in a flash flood in Kansas late one Saturday night. Robert was the sole survivor. After 8 years as a father, nearly 12 years as a husband, and 13 years as an electrical engineer, Robert’s life completely changed that night on their way home from a wedding in Wichita when a 6-foot wall of water inundated their van, sweeping them off the highway in the darkness and into the deluge.
Soon after, Robert resigned from his Electrical Engineering career and answered the constant calls to minister and share God’s amazing grace and faith that brought him through that horrific ordeal. Through his immediate trust in God, Robert has risen above adversity and freely shared his compelling message by invitation around the world over 1,300 times to at least 300,000 people personally, as well as with ABC, CBS, CNN, EWTN, Montel Williams, Integrity Film & Video, the Billy Graham TV Crusade, and Focus on the Family. An accomplished worship leader, pianist, songwriter, and author of 4 books (“Into the Deep”, “7 Steps to No Regrets”, “Rise Above”, and “Pass the Test”), Robert teaches others to Live a Life of No Regrets with his inspiring words and original songs at the piano.
Robert Rogers is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. He is the youngest of 8 children, born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. He studied Electrical Engineering and piano music in college, and now resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana - where he is a brother Knight of Columbus, a Eucharistic Minister, a lay Lector, and an active member of Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish. He has a compelling life story to share that he prays will indelibly impact your life and draw you passionately closer to Christ.
God is a God of restoration. In 2003, Robert’s precious wife, 2 mighty sons, and 2 lovely daughters drowned in the Kansas flash-flood. Now, by the grace of God, He has blessed Robert with a precious wife, 3 mighty sons, and 2 lovely daughters. Truly, this can only be the hand of God! Robert cherishes his family on earth and in Heaven more than words can contain. “Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who trust in him!” (Psalm 34:8 NLT)
Robert’s testimony cost him everything and he strives to go wherever he is invited. This worldwide ecumenical ministry brings Robert’s testimony to congregations of all denominations and to secular organizations. He shares at churches, schools, retreats, parish missions, prayer breakfasts, orphanages, prisons, legislative events, conferences, and corporations. Robert develops the content and length of his inspiring story to each unique gathering. His multimedia presentation integrates scripture, pictures, videos, PowerPoint and music that penetrate the soul and demonstrate God’s grace.
Robert’s challenge to Live a Life of No Regrets resonates with men, women, and children of all ages. His compelling message has impacted lives, transformed congregations, and inspired people to renew their faith. Robert shares in the New Evangelization to help draw people closer to Christ, to heal wounded hearts, and to draw parents and children back to one another. Some of the topics Robert shares through his family’s story include:
1. Holding on to Hope: During the darkest times, there is still hope in the light of Christ.
2. Steps to No Regrets: Practical steps to Live a Life of No Regrets with God, Others, & Yourself
3. Rise Above: How to heal the hurts and overcome the worst.
4. Never Give Up: Never give up on God's promises – no matter what.
5. Detours in Life: Life is all about how we handle “Plan B”.
6. Picking up the Pieces: God won’t waste anything, even pain and tears.
7. Rebounding from Tragedy: How to respond with Resilience amidst Adversity.
8. Pass the Test: How to endure the FIRE of affliction and emerge like GOLD.
9. Stay Pure: How to live a no-regrets life of purity with God, others, and yourself.