Born in Detroit, Michigan to Mary O. Alexander; retired Educator for the Highland Park School system and the Late Dick “Night Train” Lane; National Football League Hall of Fame Cornerback, Mr. Lane, Jr. attended Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia and also served honorably for nearly six years in the United States Army Military Police Corps in numerous domestic and international locations.
As a convert to the Faith in April 19, 2003, it was in early 2005 when Mr. Lane was lead to begin proclaiming the Gospel as a Street Corner Evangelist, sharing the Word of God, passing out Bibles, Crosses and other Religious items. Since that time Mr. Lane continues to be featured in the national media on “Catholic Answers Live”, Ave Maria Radio, Relevant Radio as well as Protestant Radio. Mr. Lane has been featured in the National Catholic Reporter and other National Publications and is the Co-Founder of Catholic Men for Christ Men’s Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. As the Producer and one of the only African-American Catholic’s in the United States on Catholic Radio, Mr. Lane is the Co-Host of Covenant Radio Network’s “Evangelizing St. Louis” weekly radio show. Being one of the most sought after Catholic Speakers in the United States Mr. Lane continues to evolve bringing the Fire of the Holy Spirit with him in all of his talks and Engagements not only to Catholic Churches, but also being invited to numerous Baptist, Lutheran and Inter/Non-Denomination churches to preach, speak and witness in an ecumenical role.In FULL TIME ministry, Mr. Lane is truly on the rise as one of the most dynamic Catholic Revivalists around, conducting Parish Missions and Revivals across the Nation “Preaching, Teaching and Sharing the Word of God” in the TRUEST spirit of ecumenism, focusing on the importance of Evangelization and ministering to those who are lost and in search of something greater than themselves; Jesus Christ! “Traditio Evangelii” ~ The proclamation and handing on of the Gospel ~
Mr. Lane’s dynamic and charismatic style of ministry is based upon three principles; Faith – Hope – Love; integrating these with the Sacraments instituted by Christ. Evangelist Lane focuses on Reconciliation in effort to bring about healing to so many who are lost and fallen away from His Church.
Speaking Titles
Evangelist Lane is able to speak on a plethora of Catholic topics. Below are various talks by Evangelist Lane. Please inquire about additional or custom designing a talk for your Revival, Mission or Conference."Traditio Evangelii" The Proclamation and handing on of the Gospel
~ This talk explains in depth, what Evangelization is, why we as Catholics are CALLED to evangelize and how we begin. It addresses our fears as Catholics about the "E- word" and learns to embrace it and know that we have been Evangelizing from the very beginning of our Church.“My Story, Your Story, His-Story”
~ Conversion story of Catholic Evangelist Richard Lan
(Talk available for purchase on CD)
-Evangelization begins with a Story: This talk encourages and teaches others to tell their stories when evangelizing and then tell His Story; The Story of the Savior of the world. “Get Out of the Boat.” ~ So many of us in our daily family lives face storm after storm after storm and we don’t know how to handle them. We fail to realize that Christ told Peter to “Come” and Peter at least had the Faith to step out of the boat. This talk encourages and teaches us to “get out of the boat” on a daily basis by having Faith in Christ for ourselves and our families.
-Living the Beatitudes: The Faith we have is a lived Faith and we must model ourselves after what Christ told us; “Blessed are you who are poor…Blessed are you who are persecuted in My name”. This powerful talk tells us of the Promises of our inheritance in the Kingdom of God.
-God’s OPEN Door: This moving talk especially speaks about all of the many blessings God has given us not only for our families, but individually. He has set before us and “Open Door”; all we have to do is walk through that door with Faith.
-It’s Never Too Late To Come HOME: This very powerful talk focuses not only on the parable of the Prodigal Son and updates it by recognizing the many Prodigal Son’s and Daughter’s of the Catholic Church. It’s NEVER too late to come home to the Father for He is waiting. The true power for our own family from our Heavenly Father is always available.
-Do You Know What You Have?: Coming from the point of a Convert, one who was lost to the truth and searched for it for 19 years and came into the fullness of the Catholic Church, we ask: do we as Catholics, especially cradle Catholics, REALLY understand what we have in the True Church, do we take it for granted and not receive God’s Healing power in the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession? Don’t take what we have for granted!
-If I Gave You a Priceless Treasure Would You Go Get It?: While preaching on the street corner a homeless woman was helping me pass out bibles and we had two left; the homeless woman approached a young lady and said “If I had a Priceless Treasure, would you want to go get it?” We have a Treasure in our own families, but especially in His Word. Are we sharing this Treasure with others?
-Did You Put On Your Armor Today?: God provides us with His Armor to thwart the Evils of each day. How much do we use His Armor to defeat what the evil one throws at our daily family lives? We MUST put on the FULL Armor of God each day.