Reg Platt

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Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker
Reg Platt Catholic Speaker

Travels from Dallas, Texas

Reg Platt is a man with a checkered past, a blessed present and a hopeful future.

Even though he shares his 1976 abortion story and the damage it caused his life, the real hero of his story is Jesus Christ.  He is passionate about raising awareness of the hidden victims of abortion: the fathers of the children lost to it.


Reg works as a men’s after abortion advocate and pro-life speaker, and is the coordinator and main facilitator for Project Joseph, a ministry designed to help men deal with the guilt, shame, and grief of abortion loss.  He is also the founder of The Friends of Joseph, educating the families and friends of those men to understand their dilemma. As a man of past poor choices himself, he knows how the mercy of God is free to all but accepted by so few.

For ten years, he has worked with passion and resolve to help grieving men find the mercy and compassion of their loving Father.  The pain and guilt of being a part of an abortion decision is at the core of many men’s poor choices that have often ruined their lives.  And with 65 million abortions in this country since 1973—each of which had at least one man involved—there are literally millions of men carrying this pain, shame and denial who can be liberated by facing the wound it has left in their hearts.

Reg spoke at the 2023 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference in Frisco, TX, and at the Hope Restored: Healing the Wounds of Abortion conference in Dallas.  He gave his testimony to youth audiences at The Pro-Life Experience, an immersive Pro-Life leadership camp for highschoolers, and appeared virtually to the Pro-Life Aggies in College Station, Texas. In 2019, Reg has shared his story at the 2016 USCCB Project Rachel Director Training in Washington, DC, the 2017 Dallas Ministry Conference and the Post-Abortion Pastoral & Professional Conference (both in Dallas, TX), in Mexico City for the 30th anniversary of the Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer Latinoamericana in 2019.  He was also featured in the Mighty Motion Pictures documentary Fathers! in Toronto, ON, Canada, and on the international Shalom World Television program Jesus My Savior.

Reg has appeared on several Catholic radio shows on the EWTN Guadalupe Radio Network, including The Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo, Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams, Take 2 with Debbie and Jerry, and More 2 Life with Greg and Lisa Popcak, and is a regular guest on The Good News Show with Dave Palmer on KATH-910AM in Dallas.

He lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife Susan and two crazy cats.

Selected Speaking Topics (more available)

  • It Was My Abortion Too – This is Reg’s personal abortion story, told in an engaging, down to earth style.  As he shares his story, he skillfully lightens the presentation with humor, even as he touches on some sensitive and painful issues related to abortion loss, never losing sight of the role that the Holy Spirit plays in bringing healing out of pain.
  • Fatherhood Is Forever - It’s time our culture recognized the truth about abortion: it can’t “unfather” a man.  Even through the grief of a prematurely ended relationship with his child, a father needs to reestablish that connection, regardless of his role in the abortion decision.  Reg talks about the many ways men can face that unchangeable past with a hopeful future.
  • Abortion Healing for Men – It is too easy for a man to hide in denial of his abortion culpability.  Even when he fought against it or never even knew until it was all over, the pain and the loss is real and will affect the way he deals with himself and the world around him.  Only by examining the wound abortion leaves and facing it through the grace of God can a man truly start the healing process.  In this talk, Reg helps men to discover how to be the “new man” Christ calls them to be for their spouses, children, and others.
  • The Decimated Generation – More and more teens and young adults are turning to the Culture of Life, but many are still pulled away by the siren call of the world.  Reg connects with these youths by showing what has been stolen from them because of abortion and reminding them of the joys of a chaste and dedicated life in Christ.


Reg’s compassionate commitment to protect the unborn and bring healing to those hurting from an abortion experience is exceptional. With tireless dedication, he brings awareness about the humanity of the unborn child and about those desperate and devoid of hope, who either face an unplanned pregnancy or suffer after choosing abortion. Reg is an excellent speaker with an amiable, sincere style, who uses humor and a willingness to share his touching personal story with transparency. He draws in his audience, engaging, encouraging and inspiring them to action in the service of Life.

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