Nicole Abisinio

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Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker
Nicole Abisinio Catholic Speaker

Travels from St. Petersburg, Florida

Nicole was standing on the red carpet for a premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, when she suddenly realized something was missing from her photo ops.  In the midst of following her worldly dreams to be a successful actress and producer, she left Jesus in the rearview mirror.

Producing and acting in films starring many famous actors and living the most elite nightlife and membership only clubs, Nicole had the world in the palm of her hands…“But what does it mean to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?”-(Mark 8:36) Nicole’s response was an overwhelming, previously unknown stirring of the Holy Spirit.  In the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, she found everything she had ever been searching for, finding her soul in Jesus and His church.  God showed Nicole how she could use the power of media for His Glory and she now works exclusively for His kingdom.  Nicole currently works as producer, actress, and marketing executive for films including Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge, The Investigator, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s Son of God, Different Drummers, Love Different, and Junction 395.  

Nicole is very excited to share her new book, PURE POWER, being published by TAN Books in January 2020!  Her heart is for the healing of many souls, especially in the area of sexual sin. Nicole's practical tools for healing from bondage are found in this new, Holy Spirit guided handbook of practical tools. There is a conference or talks available in coordination, through which she has seen many miracles for attendees.  While the book is specifically to fight sexual sin, the conference have helped people break through in many areas. Check out the different chapters, that also work as talks, with a visual powerpoint, available as well! 

Nicole recently spoke at the 2018 PIttsburgh Young Adult Diocesan Conference and at Magnificat Chicago.  An hour long interview on EWTN's "At Home with Jim and Joy" show 2018 may be reviewed online for her full testimony.  She is on her way next to do a Christmas special interview about Jesus for the Catholic worldwide network, Shalom World.  A big shift occurred for Nicole's speaking at the 2017 FIRE Catholic Conference in PA, with Bishop Malesic and Sister Ann Shields.  After Sister Ann annointed her, the Holy Spirit spoke powerfully through her to 500 adults on "Repentance" and a teen session on the "Power of Prayer".  She was also asked to pray over the entire Tampa Bay region and thousands of people to ignite Godly media on National Prayer Day. 

Nicole has been featured on Gus Lloyd’s Seize the Day, Spirit FM, The Pete O’Shea Show, Moody Radio, and Catholic TV. Her work has been featured and/or endorsed by EWTN, TBN, Variety, NFCYM, and Catholic Mom.  Nicole has spoken around the country including Kiwanis National Prayer on “Power of Prayer", NCYC on “Faith in Film”, and the International Christian Film Festival on “Faith Based Film Distribution”.  Her last talk on chastity was the 2017 Live Out Loud Singles Conference.  In 2018, she was asked to partner with Song On Fire Catholic ministry as a speaker, to spread the message of chastity to India. 

When not filming or speaking, Nicole runs a Catholic non-profit ministry GMM, in which God uses her to evangelize for young adults by helping young women choose life over abortion, giving away thousands of bibles at Easter/Christmas in Catholic Churches, teaching young Catholics filmmaking skills through hands on experience, and spiritual coaching to help singles and couples live a chaste life until marriage. 

Nicole went to college at age 16 and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A, double major in Economics and Theater.  She spent 7 years in Investment Management, working wth Hedge Funds and private equity.  Nicole is currently working on 3 faith based feature films, in different stages of production, slated for 2019-2020 Theatrical Release in the US.

She is very thankful for her home parish community and being able to unite with Jesus in the Eucharist daily! 

Some Example Talks:

FROM HOLLYWOOD TOWARDS HEAVEN: 1-hour faith in film talk followed by a 30 minute Q&A. Nicole’s shares her life journey of her success in Hollywood, and that despite having “success” in the eyes of the world, she was left feeling completely empty inside. She talks about how God called her to work in faith friendly films, and how media could be a powerful tool to spread his word. She discusses how all our gifts and talents are from the Lord, so they all must be used to glorify him and always put God first, in everything we do. 

WHO GOD SAYS I AM: Before committing herself to Christ, Nicole’s identity had too often been determined by who the world said she was: friends, a boyfriend, Hollywood, society, even family members. Too often those definitions left her feeling worthless and constantly chasing temporary happiness. It wasn’t until she was gifted a bible and read the Word of God, that she was truly able to understand her identity in Christ and how much God loves her. She then further dove into Christ's love through the richness of the Catholic Church.  The outcome is a constant joy and peace that the world cannot offer but that Jesus fulfills.  In this talk, Nicole shares with the audience how to find their true identity in Christ and no longer let themselves be defined by the world. She highlights all the amazing love and gifts that God has for them. 

PURE POWER:  This weekend conference can also summarize the full program in a 90 minute talk. Nicole loves being invited to share her full 6-7 hour weekend PURE POWER conference, especially for church leadership teams, as they have helped to heal many souls. Through PURE POWER, Nicole share’s her powerful testimony of how God called her back to living a life of chastity. Her talk includes identity in Christ, replacing the lies that the enemy tells us with God’s truth. She also shares how forgiveness, prayer, and fasting can strengthen those who are struggling with sin will break them free from bondage. Finally, she shares all the church has to offer to help strengthen and overcome.  Although created for singles, late teens, and divorced, even married couples have attended and experienced healings from their lives.  Many are teaching "why" but very few are speaking out on "how". With Covenant Eyes statistics that 80% of unmarried Christians ages 18 to 29 having engaged in sex outside of marriage, it is a spiritual matter that can no longer be left in the darkness. 

ENDORSEMENTS from Attendees and Participants:

"Through Nicole’s help and coaching, I learned the flaw in my approach. I was trying to make my actions right with God, but I was trying to do so only through my own ability, without seeking God’s help and guidance through the process. So even though my heart and intentions were in the right place, I would ultimately fail because I was trying to fight a spiritual battle with human means. It was only once Nicole showed me how to fight my problem through spiritual means like prayer and fasting instead of just trying to rely on my own willpower, that I started to see real gains. My freedom from pornography didn’t happen overnight. It took time and dedication, but by staying dedicated to prayer and focusing on God, I was eventually able to gain control over my addiction and defeat it."

``Later, still joyful, I wondered out loud to Nicole why that healing took so long. She lit up, instantly. “Don’t you remember? It was because you were holding on to the guilt. That day of healing, you were finally ready to let it go.”
Praise God!”

`God is so amazing and his love endures forever! Our pastor wanted to talk about what happened at the conference instead of his planned homily on Sunday. He is amazed about the whole thing, too. I'm really excited for my church and brothers and sisters in Christ. We all grew and matured in His purpose for our lives. PURE POWER ROCKS!!!``”

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