John Walker is an award-winning theatre director and actor with over 50 years of experience spanning film, television, and stage from London to Los Angeles. Renowned for his mastery of Shakespeare, he has dedicated his career to bringing classical works to life with exceptional artistry and depth.
In 2001 John left Hollywood on a faith journey and moved his family to a monastery farm in Northern Vermont. During this time, he learned about true surrender to Christ through Mary while running a monastery farm and retreat center. This faith journey unexpectedly led to a professorship in theatre at Franciscan University of Steubenville where John taught theatre as a sacred vocation and his students learn that the creation of art is an imitation of the Divine Creator in whose image we are made.
During his early years at Franciscan University, John continued to work on his one-man stage play, “An Evening with GK Chesterton”. Ironically, after playing Chesterton on EWTN on “Saints vs. Scoundrels,” John was approached by EWTN to film his one-man stage play which aired the following year and led to the EWTN series, “Chesterton Station” (now in its tenth season).
John has appeared as Chesterton, at the annual ACS conferences, The Wade Center, Legatus chapter meetings, and at high schools and universities nationwide. Most recently he completed a national tour: “An Evening with Chesterton” to bring the faithful into to a deeper relationship with Christ through humor, joy and a paradoxical perspective.
Beyond Chesterton, John has been a popular speaker in retelling his own faith journey from Hollywood to the monastery and with humor and joy. John attributes all the popularity and success of these projects to God and our Holy Mother. He feels overly blessed to finally use his God given gifts for bringing audiences into a deeper understanding of their faith as they discover their own sense of surrender to the divine Director of the human drama.
Many of John's insights can be found via his published writings in Gilbert Magazine and the soon to be published, “From Hollywood to the Monastery: An Actors Journey of Faith”.
Available Talk Topics:
An evening with GK Chesterton
From Hollywood to the monastery, an actor’s Journey of faith
Shakespeare’s Catholicism
Theatre: the Catholic birthright
On the subject of Christmas with GK Chesterton
The poetry of GK Chesterton
Father Brown
Chesterton on Saint Francis
Chesterton on education
Why we must read fairytales with GK Chesterton
Other topics may be developed for any additional event themes
Audience reviews:
“...Your recounting of the classmate in art school moved me,and brought me to a few tears. But I loved that after the dark memory his joyful countenance resumed, almost like it hadn't really left. It all made me want to be stuck with Chesterton at a train station."
“This is your opus and more. I cannot fathom how you have all that memorized. I hardly recognized as you transformed into GK himself. This is really amazing. Thanks for sharing your gift with us all. Cheerio, my good man!"
"Mr. Walker, thank you very, very much. We all were both filled with joy and teary eyed. sir have captured the essence of GKC. You have channeled him. The show was a tour de force of your talents, and GKC's. You must be very proud."
"...a roller coaster of emotion, gripping, hilarious touching!"
"Your talent is truly inspiring, and I was sucked in the moment you appeared onstage... I found myself tearing up at the most unusual times. …the art of storytelling really is magical!"
"I was so pulled in at the beginning through the humor and so touched by his love for his wife. I loved the search for the cigar and the bit about the cheese and ale. I loved the songs! I was laughing so hard and teared up near the end. I am so excited for you to bring this show to the world!"