Jim Havens is a Catholic evangelist, radio host, and pro-life activist with a long history of proclaiming the life-giving reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church and leading Catholic men, to get off the sidelines in the fight to end abortion, and advance as men of real virtue and authentic love, both for their families and beyond.
Jim believes that real men are needed more than ever today and that we should utilize our Masculine Strength as a Blessing. He is passionate about the call to holiness, vocation, and standing up in true love for the least of the least.
Jim is the host of The Simple Truth, which airs Monday-Friday at 4pm ET on The Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network and iCatholicRadio. He is also the founder of several other organizations, including:
The Men's March - A brotherhood of authentic love focused on the abolition of abortion
Love Will End Abortion – Equipping the faithful for sidewalk ministry outside of local abortion killing centers
Catholic Family Men - Practical wisdom for husbands and fathers in Christ
Across his various efforts, Jim has seen numerous good fruits from innocent lives saved, to moms in need protected and served, to men and women experiencing deep healing and coming alive in God's grace and service of others. Most notably, Jim remembers the stories of those who would not be here if he and others did not go out in faith, as the hands and feet of Christ, to encounter those in need going in and out of local abortion killing centers. His efforts have been highlighted by various media outlets like Action for Life with Fr. Michael Orsi, The Dr. J Show by the Ruth Institute, Life Matters by Scott Baier and Maria Vision, Anchored on Catholic TV, One More Soul, Divine Mercy for America, Mary's Town Productions, and At Home with Jim and Joy on EWTN, and more.
Jim earned a master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University at Steubenville, a master of fine arts in screenwriting from Hollins University, and a bachelor's degree in media studies from University at Buffalo.
Jim also runs an online community called Doorkeepers that unites faithful Catholics around the mission to help bring their lost loved ones back to the Catholic Faith.
He lives in Southwest Florida, with his wife Becky and their six kids.
Selected Speaking Topics (more available)
Unleashing the Warrior Within – True masculinity is countercultural. It affirms the goodness of masculine strength and directs it to authentic love, which is a tremendous blessing for those entrusted to our care and beyond. With a focus on living out a right understanding of masculinity, we as men can freely answer the summons of true manhood in Christ and advance in grace and virtue to bring healing and strengthening to world in desperate need of it.
Top Seven Decisions for Husbands and Fathers - It’s time to bring the witness of the saints to husbands and fathers looking for practical answers. In coming to know the greatest role models of all time and learning their strategies for success, we can create thriving marriages and families that achieve both fidelity and excellence. This talk presents the audience with the tools and resources needed to make families faithful again by building up husbands, fathers, and grandfathers to follow in the footsteps of the saints.
Pro-Life Activism for the Modern-Day Catholic – Catholics are often unsure of how they can effectively contribute to the pro-life cause in a culture that may seem hostile to the pro-life message. This fear drives them to silence and inaction and they are unsure what other options are available. In this talk, Jim provides multiple layers and approaches to help Catholics continue growing in their own moral formation while also providing the invitation and accompaniment that ultimately serves to get us effectively speaking and acting on behalf of the least of the least.
The Unvarnished Gospel: Receiving Jesus as He Truly Is – It is easy to say 'Lord, Lord' to a Jesus we customize to our own image and who does not challenge us to change in any way. It is more difficult to face the reality of who Jesus really is, on His own terms, and to humble ourselves to rightly receive Him and advance in a life of loving fidelity. In this talk, Jim helps the audience see the reality of Jesus with fresh eyes and hear the Good News as if it were the first time.
The One Thing Necessary: How to Pray in a Noisy World - You may have a desire for a vibrant life of prayer but find it overwhelming to truly get your prayer life squared away. In this talk, Jim provides examples from his own life and others that make the broad concepts of Christian prayer accessible while providing practical tools and resources that can be implemented immediately.
Work as Adventure: The Call to Toil Beyond the Grind – Many who are on fire to make an impact in the world are often disillusioned when their work lives don't go as planned. They need guidance to better understand the meaning of work and why it's not too late to find that sense of fulfillment in their work that they always hoped for. This talk explores the teachings of the church and spotlights the wisdom of St. Pope John Paul II's mentor, Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski.
In his talks, Jim shares personal stories that educate and inspire with a unique style that is authentic, refreshing, and engaging. Jim speaks from the heart, creating an atmosphere of openness and honesty that allows God to move more freely in the hearts of the audience. Anyone who hears Jim speak is equally left with a strong sense of God's love for them and God's challenge to humbly receive His love and advance in faithfully living it out in real love of others. Jim’s prayer before each talk is to speak only what God wants, nothing more and nothing less, and for every single person listening to have God reach their heart, in the midst of the talk, meeting them right where they're at, and helping them to take the next step forward to truly living the greatness in Christ they are made for.