It's been said that the Internet is the largest community in the world, other than the world itself! If our Christian mission is to preach the Good News to all the world, then engagement in and with social communications is the key to evangelization.
Fr. Thomas Dailey is a priest in the religious congregation of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (the patron saint of journalists and Catholic writers). He holds the John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics and Social Communications and directs the Catholic Preaching Institute at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Father Dailey has lectured extensively on topics in Social Communications, Salesian Spirituality, Catholic Education, and Biblical Theology. He has provided continuing education and/or spiritual formation to parish groups, schools, religious communities, scholarly societies, and professional organizations in more than thirty (arch)dioceses in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Fr. Dailey has been featured in national media on radio (on Holy Spirit Radio, Relevant Radio, Sacred Heart Radio, and Sirius XM channels) and on television (CBS-3 Philadelphia, EWTN, NET NY, and local PBS channels).
Father Dailey taught for twenty-nine years at DeSales University, where he was also the founding director of the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture. Selected four times for inclusion in Who's Who Among America's Teachers and twice to Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals, he served as an officer in the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and is currently an elected member of the Academy of Catholic Theology.
Fr. Dailey has written, edited, or translated nine books and authored more than fifty contributions to scholarly and pastoral publications around the world.
- on Social Communications ... with considerations of Catholicism in the iWorld, virtual presence, digital discipleship, cyber-theology, and media evangelization
- on Salesian Spirituality ... and how to "live today well" in the workplace and in daily life, through prayer and sacraments, by way of little virtues, and in imitation of the saints
- on St. John Paul II ... and his thoughts on culture, truth, philosophy (phenomenology), youth, the power of evil, and being human
- on the Book of Job ... with insights into suffering, repentance, lamentation, and wisdom.