Doug Barry


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Doug Barry Catholic Speaker

Travels from Dallas, Texas

Doug Barry, devoted husband and father of five, is the founder and director of the Catholic ministry RADIX. Since 1990 he has traveled both nationally and internationally spreading and defending the Catholic faith, speaking to young and old alike through television, radio and live appearances. Doug is also well known for his powerful one-man performance of The Passion of Christ, seen regularly on EWTN.  Doug was seen as co-host for EWTN's television program 'Life on the Rock’ for many years, and is now the host of the television program ‘Battle Ready’ on EWTN Global Catholic Network.

There is a great need to fire up and inspire the army of God. The importance of being trained and prepared, body, mind and soul, is as great as it has ever been. Doug Barry is known for not only causing a crowd to be aware of the reality of the spiritual battle all around us, but also motivating them to prepare for and engage in this battle for souls. His conviction for the Catholic faith is powerful and contagious. 

We all see the challenges of our day, and there are more coming. The signs of the times tell us that the need to evangelize is critical and it needs to be done with clarity and urgency. Doug Barry does this. 

One of the many topics that Doug speaks about regularly is regarding the messages given to the world by God, through the Church approved apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Doug encourages the audience to understand the connection of different events in our world and their relation to the heaven-sent warnings and messages that we have received from Mary. Looking at the reality of the times in relation to these messages of Mary is essential not only for our times today, but also for generations to come. 

Doug was raised a Catholic but never took his faith very seriously. He refers to himself as the 'clock-in, clock-out' Catholic. "I went to mass every Sunday. I put my hand in the holy water font (clocked-in) when I walked into the church, and I put my hand in the holy water font (clocked-out) when I left. If you asked me if I wanted to go to heaven I would have said yes. When you ask me what I was doing about it I would have said, I clock in every Sunday."

Doug has a passion to reach the souls that are struggling in the battle with being lukewarm. "I believe that there is an army of Christians in this world that would be willing to engage in this fight for souls like warriors if they really understood what was at stake. But most are not trained or prepared to understand the reality of the enemy or to have the grit and strength to engage in the warfare that we face."

It is essential that we all do a better job in this area of evangelizing. The basic knowledge of the faith is poor for many. Doug will speak often on the need to understand the basics of the faith. "You don't need to be a theologian, a scripture scholar or an apologist to go to heaven but you do need to know and live the 10 Commandments. We were told this by Our Lord Himself in the gospel of Mathew 19:16-21."

Another area that Doug feels particularly strong about and speaks on often, is the truth that others are counting on us in this world. "It is important to understand that the decisions that we make, body mind and soul, impact far more than just ourselves. Others are counting on you. Don't take yourself off the battlefield, in any way, any sooner than God wants. Don't underestimate the free-will that God has given each of us, and how the choices we make have incredible power to impact our lives and the lives of others in this world."    

God entrusts souls/lives to our care in different ways and we have a duty to fight for them, protect them and prepare them. Future generations depend to a great degree on how faithfully we fulfill this mission. The future of the Catholic Church depends very much on what we do, how we allow God to work through us now, today! No excuses!

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