Dave DiNuzzo Sr.

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Dave DiNuzzo Sr.
David DiNuzzo
David Dinuzzo
David Dinuzzo Sr.

Travels from Kansas City, MO, Lincoln, NE, or Wichita,, Kansas

Dave DiNuzzo Sr., Founder of TrueManhood Men’s Ministry, is a Catholic husband, father of 4, evangelist, catechist, author, blogger, and retreat master, and currently serves as professor of Theology at St. John the Baptist Catholic Middle and High School in Beloit, KS.  (Most recently, Dave served as the Diocesan Director of Young Adult & Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri.)

Men's Ministry – Fighting the war on pornography & cultural manliness while teaching virtue.

In 2008, Dave founded TrueManhood Men’s Ministry in an attempt to capture the essence of manhood, manliness, and a man’s responsibility within the family, society, the Church, and in the workplace.  His work within men’s ministry led towards the book project “Man Up! Becoming the New Catholic Renaissance Man.”  In the book, Dave discusses the devastating effects of pornography, his personal story with addiction and ways to overcome, as well as a call to action for all men to live virtuous lives.

Dave received his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology with an emphasis in Evangelization and Catechesis from the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado and his undergraduate degrees from Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, graduating with a BA in Business Administration/Finance and minor in Theology.  After his undergraduate studies, Dave worked as a Catholic missionary with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and then went on to work as Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at the United States Air Force Academy.  After his time at the Academy, Dave worked as Director of Programming for a national men’s apostolate where he set up, organized, managed, and counseled parish-based men’s groups, and operated outdoor retreats for men.

Dave was named as one of the Top 100 Catholic Speakers in 2012 and has spoken all over the country on a variety of topics directly related to authentic masculinity, namely virtue, and the fight against the evil of pornography.  Dave also gears talks towards young adults and college campuses. Dave is a nationally certified volunteer firefighter, and an avid hunter & outdoorsmen.


  • “Not Cultural Manliness! TrueManhood!” - The world offers men a vision for masculinity, but the Church offers an alternative.  This talk is centered on helping men live virtuous lives in imitation of Jesus Christ, the TrueMan.
  • “Slaying the Giant” – From Porn Addiction to Freedom - This talk is hard-hitting, intense, and impactful.  No sugar-coating here, just a real, honest, and open talk about the realities of porn, what it does to us, and how to overcome an addiction to pornography and masturbation.  Intended to inspire, equip, and encourage men in their battle for purity.
  • "Helping Parents Protect their Children from the Internet & Technology" - a Theology of the Body based talk intended to help parents understand and create a gameplan for dealing with the internet and technologies.  Many parents are lost and don't know where to begin - this talk will educate and inform, and give practical steps to not only protect their children, but to equip them with the tools necessary to win!  This is a MUST HAVE talk for every parent at every parish.
  • “Manliness in the Modern Church” – Recapturing Manliness and Male Spirituality - Inspiring men to recapture manliness in terms of spirituality in their role as a man, a husband, a father, or a priest.
  • “The Biblical Man” – examples of manliness in Scripture - the Scriptures are rich with examples of what men should and shouldn't do... why look anywhere else?
  • “Dot Catholic” – Tolerance, Anti-Catholicism, the New Evangelization, & The Battle for Souls. - Our faith is under attack, and souls are at stake.  This talk dives into how we deal with, speak about, and confront the onslaught that we are facing.  The answers rest in the New Evangelization - loving radically as Christ loved.
  • “Make the Choice to Love” – relationship talk for couples, pre-cana, young adults, etc. - a talk about the realities of marriage and how to overcome ANY hardship.  Ultimately, no matter what the struggle, love is the answer.
  • Personal Testimony – a journey away from Catholicism and back. - Like many, if not most American Catholic children, Dave didn't know his faith and because of that, he left the Catholic church, becoming an anti-Catholic Evangelical, Non-Denominational Christian.  Thanks to positive Catholic influence, the witness of joy, and people loving him out of his bad choices, Dave reverted to the Catholic faith.

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