Bryan Mercier

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Bryan Mercier Catholic Speaker Apologetics Evangelist Youth Speaker Catholic Speakers
Bryan Mercier Letter of Good Standing
Bryan Mercier Catholic Speaker Apologetics Evangelist Youth Speaker Catholic Speakers

Travels from Milford, Connecticut

You will be hard pressed to find a more dynamic, engaging, inspirational, and well-informed Catholic speaker than Bryan Mercier. Bryan is one of the few speakers who can speak powerfully and equally to both adults and teens on a wide variety of topics. For more than two decades, Bryan has given powerful keynotes, inspiring Parish Missions, wonderful youth talks, apologetics seminars, workshops, and more. He has been aired on TV and radio including Sirius XM Satellite Radio, Ave Maria Radio, Relevant Radio, and EWTN.  

Bryan is the President of Catholic Truth, an organization that reaches millions of people across the globe through ten social media platforms and hundreds of articles in 5 languages. You would not believe how many non-Catholics and former Catholics Bryan has brought back to the Church due to his preaching, and how many more stayed in the Church who were planning to leave.

Bryan is on-fire and loves to spread to love and fire of Jesus. As a college student, Jesus transformed Bryan from an angry, hateful, and depressed teenager who dressed all in black to someone who now overflows with Christ’s love, joy, peace, and new life! Bryan’s conversion revealed his life’s purpose — to save souls and transform lives – to ignite God’s love, light, and fire in as many lives as possible while building up the Church.

Bryan is the President of Catholic Truth and a professional apologist who sets Catholics on fire for their faith. His goal is to help them to know, love, live and defend their faith. He is the author of two books: Counterfeit Spirituality:Exposing the False Gods and Why Do You Believe In GOD? He holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

Bryan is professional, relatable, and easy to work with.


TALKS FOR ADULTS (See Teen Talks Below):

Life-Changing Prayer and Spirituality! (How to transform your spiritual life and take your prayer to the next level)

How to Live Holy in an Unholy World (How to live our faith without compromise)

Overcoming Spiritual Mental Health Struggles: (Anxiety, OCD, Fear, Guilt, and Scrupulosity)

Catholic Apologetics! (Learn to know, love, explain, and defend your faith (1 – 5 sessions on various topics)

7 Ways to Reach our Youth (Tips that work for bringing back our youth and preventing them from leaving)

The Challenge of Being Catholic Today Why Be Catholic? (Exploring the truth, beauty, and history of Catholicism)

Why did Jesus have to Die? (The story of salvation and God’s great love for us)

7 Ways to Grow in Prayer and Overcome Distractions How to Evangelize our Kids and Raise them in the Faith!

The Amazing Story of the Catholic Church! (How the Catholic Church survived centuries of persecution and death and then transformed the world)

From Black to Light! (Bryan’s amazing testimony of being angry, depressed, and lost, to being set free, shining the love of Christ, and becoming a Catholic evangelist)

Counterfeit Spirituality: (Discussing New Age teachings and practices: Astrology, Reiki, Centering Prayer, Yoga, the Law of Attraction, etc.)

Answering the Big Myths of History (The Crusades, The Inquisition, Galileo, etc.)

Catholic CRISIS: Understanding the problems and issues in the Church today, where they came from, why Catholics are not being fed, and how we can overcome these issues. (We also discuss the wonderful and inspiring renewal and reform happening in the Church today).

Love who you are (How to be more self-confident in life and be more free) The Sacraments of Power (Baptism and Confirmation) The Sacraments of Salvation (The Eucharist and Confession) The Sacraments of Vocation (Marriage and the Priesthood)

The Glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Understanding the doctrines and teachings of Mary and answering common Protestant objections)

Powerful Pro-Life Talk! (Discussing the sanctity of life and the culture of death from a real world point of view. Starting with my own story of how people said I should be aborted to my child with down syndrome and how she was seen as disposable by the medical community).

How to live a life Transformed in Christ! The Pathway to Love: How to find and keep happily-ever-after! Evidence for God! (Topics: Evidence for the existence of God. Science and religion. Answering deep questions of faith, etc)

All about the Pope! (Understanding the role and history of the Pope in the Church)

A Catholic Understanding of other Religions (An overview of the history and teachings of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Protestants, Islam, etc)

Miracles DO happen (An inspirational talk looking at miracles that have happened and still happen today)

Miracles of the Eucharist (Building faith in the true presence of Jesus)

The Crusades: Fact vs. Fiction. (Most people attack the Catholic Church for the Crusades and yet have no idea what happened. This talk reveals the truth, exposes and the myths, and gives what every Catholic needs to know.)

The History of the Bible and Bible reading in the Catholic Church

Other talks upon request…


From Black to Light! (Bryan’s amazing testimony of being angry, depressed and lost, to being set free, shining the light and love of Christ, and becoming passionate about his faith)

The Challenge of Being Catholic Today!

The Challenge of Confirmation (For Confirmation students)

How do we KNOW? (A talk that addresses the top questions and doubts that teens have while providing logical answers that make sense and build faith)

Prayer and Spirituality 101 for Teens Inspirational Stories of Saints and what we can learn from them

Why did Jesus have to die? (The Story of Salvation and God’s infinite love for us)

The Sacrament of Confirmation (Examining what Confirmation is about and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives)

Apologetics for Teens (Helping teens to know their faith, to explain it, and to defend it from those who question their faith)

The Inspiring History of the Catholic Church and what it teaches us today

Catholic Dating and Relationships: How to have good and Godly relationships

The Secret to Self-Confidence: How to love yourself and develop a healthy self-esteem

The Sacrament of the Eucharist (Understanding the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and how it changes our life)

The Sacrament of Confession to a Priest (Understanding the power of God’s love, forgiveness, and healing in our lives)

The End: thinking about eternity and where we will spend it

Miracles Do Happen (An inspirational talk on various miracles that have happened in the Church)

Understanding the MASS! It doesn’t have to be boring What It Means To Be Catholic

Other talks upon request

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